Fed up with Failed Skincare Routines?
Your skin issues are due to impaired barrier function.
Your skin has a first line of defence, and this is your skin barrier function. An impaired barrier will lead to redness, dryness, inflammation and acne breakouts.
The skin produces lipids and ceramides to protect from external aggressors. If your skin care routine is too harsh it will lead to a break down in this line of defence allowing bacteria’s and other allergens to cause skin imbalance.
The skin should feel dewy and smooth, if it does not feel this way you have an impaired barrier.
An impaired barrier causes incorrect oil levels within the skin.
Does the condition of your skin effect your confidence?
Do you spend hours of your time searching for solutions to your skin concerns?
Is your search history full of words like anti-ageing, acne, dull complexion, flaky skin, sensitivity and other skin related conditions?
Are you constantly trying the latest and greatest skin care products, routines and accessories but seeing no improvement?
Are you overwhelmed by the sheer amount of skincare information available and struggle to find your way through the contradictory statements, marketing hype and buzz words to the relevant information to you?
Art Derma is the solution.
Along with providing you with no-nonesense skincare advice, we also have a focused range of multifunctional, professional strength products to ensure choosing and implementing your skincare routine is as simple, time efficient and effective as possible.
Only 3 skin types.
Modern advertising would have you believe that everyone’s skin is as unique as the person beneath it, but this is just not so. You may have a unique blend of skin complaints, but those complaints are all caused by the same underlying problems.
Balance your oil levels
Gender, age, lifestyle and a multitude of other factors contribute to the skins oil levels, what you must do is focus on balancing those oil levels using an appropriate skincare routine.
Here are the three types of skin, their indicators and what treatment they require.
Skin Type
Dry Skin
Sensitivity, dull complexion, flaky skin, tightness.
Repair barrier function by increasing oil levels within the skin whilst protecting from environmental factors.
Skin Type
Balanced Skin
Not too oily, not to dry, no skin concerns.
Maintain barrier function by keeping the current oil balance in the skin whilst protecting from environmental factors.
Skin Type
Oily Skin
Acne, breakouts, visible pores, blackheads.
Repair barrier function by obtaining optimum oil levels in the skin whilst protecting from environmental factors.
It really is that simple.
This is how and why Art Derma’s products are all multifunctional, by understanding that you simply need to balance the skins oil levels and protect from environmental factors you can see that the number of options available in a range can and should be limited to avoid confusion and ensure ease and efficiency of implementation.
We are all pursuing the same goal balanced glowing skin.
Why listen to me?
Hi there, I am Jody Taylor.
I am a skin specialist that has been in the industry for over 25 years. Within this time, I have been involved in all aspects of the industry, from salon owner to college lecturer.
I have won numerous awards including winner of the highly prestigious Professional Beauty Award for UK Therapist of the year and winner of the British Hair and Beauty Aesthetic Clinic of the year.
I am also a regular contributor to professional magazines, events and internet platforms with thousands of people reading my articles, watching my webinars and attending my guest speaking events. I have been an ambassador to major brands within the UK and trainer for multiple leading aesthetic companies. I also previously ran my own VCTC accredited college and am the owner of a successful, by-appointment only skin clinic.
In my skin clinic I only offer facial treatments and see hundreds of clients every month who all have the same problems and concerns that you are dealing with and the number one contributing factor to their conditions is always the same - ineffective and badly implemented home skin care routines.
How I solve my clients skin concerns?
The largest contributing factor to skin conditions and the biggest hurdle I encounter with clients is the skincare routines they are using. My clients arrive with skincare routines that range from ineffective to damaging!
Incorrect product choices, unnecessary accessories, inferior ingredients, over application and combining conflicting products all contribute to a deterioration of the barrier function which leads to an imbalance of skin oil levels which leads to an increase in skin conditions.
It’s a vicious cycle because often the self-treatment is worsening if not causing the condition!
The first thing I do is get them to abandon their old routine (if it worked, they wouldn’t be there to see me), I then set them on the very same three product routine that is available on this site, a wash to cleanse the skin, a daily SPF to protect the skin from environmental factors and a nighttime cream to repair the skin.
I get them to implement this new routine for 30 days to allow the barrier function to adequately repair and the skin to regain its oil balance. During this period often the skin condition will fluctuate, flare ups are common during this time as your skin regains its balance. Trust the process.
After this has been taken care of, I have a variety of treatments and techniques that I implement to get the absolute best from their skin. The treatments vary from client to client, but one thing is always consistent, I use Art Derma products for all my base treatments. The same products available on this site because every Art Derma product has the highest concentration of active ingredients available meaning there is no difference in the formula between professional use or home use.
The process has not only gained me 100s of happy clients, but it has kept them.
When people get the results they are seeking they stop looking for alternatives.
The multifunctional professional strength products and simple skincare routines from Art Derma ensure that everyone who implements them will enjoy balanced, glowing, healthy, youthful looking skin allowing you to regain your confidence and claim your free time back by ending your relentless search for the answer to your skin complaints.
“They come to me because I know their skin better than they do”.
Monthly masterclass webinars
No one sets out to sabotage their own skin but with the mountain of conflicting skincare information, marketing hype and trends created to sell you unachievable dreams, it is very easy to see how you can end up making skincare decisions that are not beneficial to you.
All Art Derma clients who purchase the build your own routine package will be invited to join my monthly masterclass webinar where I will deliver invaluable advice on skin routines, getting the most from your products, skin conditions and much more. I will also conduct a Q&A at the end of each session to answer your questions.
My aim with this service is to help clear the muddy waters, dispel common myths and arm you with the knowledge to make informed decisions about the correct treatment of your skin.
This information was previously only accessible to my skin clinic clients some of which regularly travel from over 60 miles away for my expertise.
Free skin ageing guide
Individual skin complaints aside there is one thing we are all focused on regardless of skin type, anti-ageing!
Whether we have dry, oily or balanced skin we all want our skin to look youthful and radiant. Your skin condition speaks volumes about your overall health, vitality and physical age.
‘The practical guide to skin ageing’ is a concise account of my anti-ageing knowledge written in plain easy to understand language that lays out, why our skin ages, what the contributing factors are and how to slow down or even reverse the effects.
This guide has never been released before and is exclusive to people who visit the Art Derma site seeking the answers to their skin related problems.
Simply Fill out your details below to receive your free copy.
Art Derma is more than a collection of effective skin care products.
It is a community dedicated to you better understanding your skins needs, a community led by me and my lifetimes knowledge on this very subject. By choosing Art Derma products you will gain.
Professional strength home skincare products
FREE ‘practical guide to skin ageing’
FREE access to my monthly skincare masterclass
FREE regular skin related information direct to your inbox
FREE shipping on orders
£1.05 PER DAY
This is not a subscription service, the price shows the combined cost of the Art Derma 3 step routine.
Cleanse with one of the two wash’s available.
A bottle lasts four months and costs £37
Protect with one of the two SPF day creams.
A bottle lasts four months and costs £42
Repair with one of the three night creams.
A bottle lasts four months and costs £47
10% off your first order.
My goal was, is and always will be
‘skin excellence for everyone’.
The hardest part of growing Art Derma is getting people to try the range, and I get it, why would this succeed where so much else has failed?
However, I am so sure that after seeing the results from a professional grade skincare routine combined with the no-nonsense, effective information I provide, your search will be over, and you will become a lifelong customer and advocate for Art Derma, allowing us to grow and serve more people just like you.
Use code AGE10 at the checkout
Before you go
If you are not happy with your skins current condition then now is the time to click on the ‘Take me to build my routine’ button below, select your three products and implement a new routine to get your desired results.
Because remember ‘if you want things to change, you must make changes’.
Jody Taylor