What is photosensitivity?
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Photosensitivity is an allergy to sun, an immune system reaction triggered by UV rays. Photosensitive reactions in the majority are caused by UVA rather than UVB rays. On exposure to UV the skin will break out in hives, redness and become itchy and inflamed. Photosensitivity is caused from over exposure to UV radiation, medical conditions, over the counter and prescription medications or chemical reactions to skin care products.The two distinct types of photosensitivity reactions are photoallergic or phototoxic. Photosensitivity is not to be confused with sunburn which occurs when the body has over exposure to sun and ultraviolet light which exceeds the protection your body’s natural pigment and sun protection factor SPF provides.
Photoallergic reactions
The UV rays interact with the medication or skin care products which are applied to the skin in areas exposed to sunlight. In response the body’s immune system fights to protect the threat producing antibodies this then causes a reaction leaving rashes, blisters, and lesions. The bodies response time is delayed and can be one to three days after the sunlight exposure.
Usually occurs from topical and oral medication which is activated by exposure to UV light. It can be triggered from chemicals within skin care products. The reaction can feel like sunburn or a rash and can happen rapidly or after a duration of exposure the reaction is usually limited to the exposed site.
The main causes of photosensitivity are listed below (this is an overview not a definitive list)
Anti histamines
Herbal supplements
Acne medication
Steroidal medication
Diseases and medical conditions
Auto immunes diseases such as lupus
Skin care products
Glycolic acids and all other AHA’s
Salicylic acid and BHA’s
Benzoyl peroxide
Vitamin C
Skin treatments
Chemical peels
Micro needling
Protecting yourself against photosensitivity will reduce the risk of reactions, skin cancer and premature ageing. Ensure the SPF you use is not phototoxic and has a full spectrum block and not only UVB protection. minimise the time you expose yourself to UV light and avoid sunlight during peak hours. Avoid using sunbeds these will not give a protective base tan they will increase the risk of further reactions, skin cancer and premature ageing. Wear protective clothing and long sleeves especially if using topical steroid medication to treat skin diseases and disorder these areas are at risk from both photo reactions but also pigmentation damage. Taking a comprehensive approach to safeguarding yourself against UV damage will prevent the risk of skin cancer, premature ageing, and pigmentation damage.